
Our mission is to make money easy to understand.

The problem

The UK is in crisis. We’re being exploited by banks, financial institutions and big service providers, who make billions of pounds from us every year – and we don’t even know it.

Financial literacy and understanding is almost non-existent. It’s not taught in schools or even universities. You’re out there alone to fend for yourself.

What’s more, the information you are given can feel like a foreign language. There’s too much and it’s complicated, and there’s no hope in understanding it. Making the right decisions can feel like potluck.

How can we help?

If you've got a question we'd love to help.

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11.5 million people have savings of £100 or less

1 in 3

1 in 3 people could save up to £4,000 per year on their mortgage


People are overpaying by £877 on their savings and bills

8 in 10

8 in 10 people are paying too much on bills

We’re here to help

The UK doesn’t know enough about personal finance. We’re here to change that.

We’re empowering our readers to make the right decisions for them – providing them with the right information they need in the simplest way possible.

How? By removing the waffle and jargon, by speaking in plain English and providing clear simple steps that are easy to understand.

About us

With years of experience in the personal finance industry we’ve seen how much money the UK people lose out on each year, and how easy it is to save that money – it’s driven us quite nuts!

We decided to change that with one simple idea. “To educate people about money in the simplest way possible.”

Nuts About Money was born and we’re now proudly helping the UK build financial understanding and confidence, and save thousands!

How can we help?

If you've got a question we'd love to help.

Get in touch

Easy to understand money

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